Adhava Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Technologies Building National & Internatioanl Wide


Main Objects Vision 1

To carry on the business of Designing, Processing, Promoting, Consulting, Hiring, Marketing, Importing, Exporting, Trading, and Dealing in all types of Computer Software and Hardware relating to Windows operating systems, Linux Operating Systems, IT Enabled Services, Multimedia, CAD (Computer Aided Design), CAM (Computer Aided Management), Animation, Operating System, World Wide Web, Internet Services.


Main Objects Vision 2

Web Phone Services through Internet, Intranet, Medical Transcription Training and Implementation, Electronic Commerce Based business, other activities related to E-Commerce, Web Application, Web Hosting, Web Designing, Domain Selling, Automation Services in all area and leased line connecting for Internet Access and Computer Eductional Training and also to carry on the bussiness of Business Process Outsourcing.


Main Objects Vision 3

To provide computer training and consultancy services and to survey the customers needs, develop information systems, develop and test computer programe process, data and evaluate results emerging after processing for local as well as for foreign clients and also to provide Research and Development in the field of Software, Hardware and Computer related activities.